Converting FSM to Canonic Form Sync. Circuit


In order to find a the transition function or the output function of a synchronous circuit, we often write down the whole truth table and try to identify patterns.

Since both functions depend on the state, sometimes it is convinient to use a mux with the state as the selector (or maybe tweak it a little bit to make it work).

Is there any reason to avoid such a strategy?
Of course, I refer only for cases in which it is easy to identify a mux-based function that satisfies the FSM’s requirements.


and if using a mux-based function as the transition function ot the output function, how can the function be written down?

The transition and output functions are implemented using purely combinational circuits. These can be implemented however you would like.
Regarding your second question - The MUX part of the formula can be written down as:
D[0]*(s’) + D[1]*s
Just as we showed when we first introduced MUX.