Project 4- Adders

Today in the lesson someone asked about an issue with the indexes of the 3:2 adder;
As I understood from Guy we should output only C[1:16] since C[0] is a constant.
But in the template of the project that was given to us there was a fixed zero in C[0], so we are not able to output 16 output bits as we should.

It was said that Aakash would send an email about this issue to make things clear but in the email that was sent this topic was not discussed.

What should the output ot the circuit be?
As I understood from Guy it should be S[0:15] and C[1:16], am I correct?


Since the lengths of the strings you input will be less than 16, you will never have a case where c[16] is necessary. It will always be a zero. Hence, the circuit will function as expected even if you do not have this output.

I also explained this in depth in the tigbur held on 11 June. The recording of this will be uploaded over the weekend.