Welcome to Discourse

This is a forum for the Digital Logic Systems course in Tel Aviv University.
It is intended to be a knowledge base in the spirit of Stack Exchange.

In order to have effective discussions, please follow these rules.

  1. Please ask a single question (or at most two or three) closely related questions in each post.
  2. Avoid starting questions with greetings such as “Hi” or replying to answers with “Thanks”. We’re not trying to be mean to each other, but just avoiding clutter. We assume that greetings and gratitude are implied.
  3. Please mark questions as “Solved” by clicking on the “Solved” button on the reply which answers your question. This makes it easier for other users to find the important replies.
  4. As far as possible, ask your questions in English so that they are accessible to everyone. If you cannot express your question satisfactorily in English, and must switch to Hebrew, make sure that at least the title is in English.